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Graphic Designer, 
Customer Care Expert,
aspiring UX Designer/Researcher.

Senior Employee Information 
11/2019 - 3/2023
Logius - Minestry of Internal Affairs
The Hague, the Netherlands

         UX research/design 
         7/2021 - 3/2022 

Customer Care Rep. / Graphic Designer
08/2018 - 09/2019 
Printerette Digishop B.V. (part-time)

Customer Care Expert
08/2016 - 01/2018
Albelli, The Hague (part-time)

Commercial Office Manager 
07/2012 - 01/201
North Post Amsterdam B.V. te Amsterdam


Job Experience

Bachelor / Graphic Design (full-time)
2017 - 2019 Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague (KABK)

Bachelor / European Studies (degree obtained)
2007 – 2011 Hogeschool Zuyd te Maastricht

         Specialisation: Communication Management
         Minor: Professional Writing

Middle Vocational Training Tourism and Leisure Management  (degree obtained)
2003 - 2007 MTRO De Rooi Pannen in Eindhoven. 


Focused and playful
I love to play! Games, sports, but also creatively. While doing so, I can keep my eye on the ball and focus on whats important. 

This is Xuxa my good friend and family member. 


Open minded 
It's important to look at things from a different perspective. I love to view and experience the world through different eyes. It's challenging, fun and helps me to reflect on myself and grow as a person. 

Self Starter
Like my daughter, my curiosity pushes me to open new doors and take initiative. I like to keep learning and discovering.  

Love the design process
Brainstorming, reading, sketching, writing, building prototypes, using different materials. Diverse, challenging and fun. Even more fun, when you bring other people along on the journey. 


Dutch - Native 
English - Advanced
German - Good
Portuguese - Good
Spanish - Good, but currently on the backs
eat of Portuguese. 


Adobe: Inndesign, Illustrator,
Photoshop, After Effects. 
Sketch and Procreate 
Jira, Confluence and Miro

HTML, CSS, Processing
Microsoft office


Social Skills 
My extensive experience in customer care has provided me with good listening and problem solving skills. My experience in the field of design has tought me that teamwork is indeed dreamwork and your ego is your worst enemy. 


Currently reading, listening and enjoying
Currently rereading The Design of Everday Things and Playfull Parenting. Roaming around on Reddit. Listening to 99% invisble, a podcast on design. Always enjoying all kinds of music. Dancing. Jumping in puddles of rain with my daughter. Eating icecream, the fruity flavours, also on gloomy days. Sneezing. Good design. Good times with family and (furry) friends. Oven roasted vegetables, unless they are burned Vantablack. Walking, it clears my mind. Kinetic sand. Louis Theroux's and David Attenborough's documentaries and films. 

Hurting my design soul
Charlottenplatz in Stuttgart. Pulling a paper number to get an appointment at the Burger Buro. Justified text filled with rivers. Any kind of pop up on a website that is not a helpfull error or alert. Even more when it includes loud noises. Bad AI service chatbots followed by an unfindable customer care phone number. 

 © 2023 by Veronica Hoefnagels. 

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